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WAI (Web Assessibility Initiative) operation instructions

Our web page contains six main parts that are explained in brief below, with additional information about active access keys that can be used for configuration:
  1. Shortcuts (ALT+Q) : here we provide you with the shortcuts to: main page, user-friendly printing, language switcher, etc.
  2. Main Menu (ALT+M) : the main menu items are stored here. You can rapidly change any important items for other.
  3. Sub Menu (ALT+S) : Some of the items from the Main Menu may have corresponding sub-items.
  4. Page Login Panel (ALT+L) : The Login Panel allows registered members to enter the site using their personal account login and password.
  5. Main Content Block (ALT+C) : each time you navigate from the Main Menu the content corresponding to each item is displayed within this block.
  6. Third Menu (ALT+X) : if desired, the page layout can accommodate a third menu providing a fast navigation interface and even more system options.
Moreover, you can also use a few other supported Access Keys:
  • Tab : jump to the next menu item
  • Shift+Tab : jump back to the previous menu item
  • Alt+F4 : close active window


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